
Welcome to all who are intrigued by human-animal relationships, as well as those interested in a therapist’s take on his own life struggles.


Gus is a heartwarming, funny love story about how a psychologist who initially rejected the 1.4-ounce pet parakeet his wife insisted on adopting ultimately wanted Gus to live beyond his all-too-brief five years. How  Gus’s uncanny words of wisdom—though sometimes making the psychologist look bad to others—helped his therapy patients, himself, and his wife in remarkable ways.

DAVID BELLOWS is a retired clinical psychologist who practiced psychotherapy privately in Maine for over 30 years. An avid sailor since childhood, he has sailed his own 23-foot yawl along the coast from the Bahamas to Canada, plus many schooners and square-riggers. Although he grew up with dogs, Gus and his avian predecessors turned him into a bird person.

BARBARA HELD is the Barry N. Wish Professor of Psychology and Social Studies Emerita at Bowdoin College in Maine. Her writings focus on discerning truth in psycho­logical science and in our sociopolitical world. In her 2001 book Stop Smiling, Start Kvetching, she challenged what she termed “the tyranny of the positive attitude in America,” which garnered her worldwide media attention.